CASHEIRS Demo [Research]

Screenshot of our Android Demo

Programming Language:

  • Python
  • Java (Android Client)
  • PHP (Web Interface)

This is a prototype of our CASHEIRS image retrieval system. The initial prototype system consists of a cloud server (a laptop) and a Samsung S5 phone as a data user’s mobile device. Samsung S5 has a Snapdragon 801 chip with Quad-core CPU@2.5GHz and 2GB RAM. The smartphone communicates with the server via a WiFi router. In the Android client software, Caffe APIs are called to extract CNN feature from a query image. Then, this CNN feature is converted into 128bit binary code and later encrypted. To handle complex image transformations and minimize memory usage, Picasso, an image downloading library for Android, is used to download query results.

The following images show some query examples.


My responsibilities:

  1. Proposed and designed an image retrieval system.
  2. Implemeted the system including an Android Client, a Python Server and a PHP interface.

Published paper:

Xin Li
Xin Li
Senior Machine Learning Engineer

My research interests include Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Autonomous Driving.